Friday, October 9, 2009

Overcoming procrastination part 1: GOALS

Guys, as I told earlier, if you want to overcome procrastination you need to start taking action. Usually people in order to get motivated need or to get really depressed or really excited. So I am hoping that I can do something in order to excite you guys and motivate to get your life situation handled. I am not some doctor, I am not therapist, and I am just one dude that started to take action. My story is that I got really dispersed, I didn’t do anything for days, I watched my favorite shows on internet live stream and I did it for 10 straight days. So I was angry at myself and I started to take something about that. So now, I know what started to motivate me, what kept me going. So in order to stop procrastination you need to set your life goals.

It’s really important to decide what you want for yourself, too many people forget to in order to take your life in your hands, you should know where you want to lead it. Before I tell you guys tips that are directly related to goals setting I want to talk about your past. Actually I don’t want to know anything. I just want to tell you some quotes that are going to help you. First of all, In order to stop procrastination, you need to fully understand this one: Whatever happen in past, you can’t change that, so than it’s not worth stressing about. So, if you didn’t get it, one more time, Whatever happen until now, its irrelevant, all that is important is what are you going to do right now!

So let’s start, I want you to take a piece of paper or open WordPad or similar and answer me these questions. What you want out of your life? Right now, if you can see yourself in best possible scenario of your life, what is it? Describe it, in as many details as you can. Just want to add that for me, I took it deeper, and described my best possible self in business, and my happier me in relationship, and best me in the things that really makes me happy, like my hobbies and my training sessions. So now, ask yourself what you can do, right now, in order to make this happen. What action can you do, so your vision starts to become reality? Write answers down. Now phase 1 is finished, and you should have clear vision of what you think what your life should be.

Now if you want to overcome procrastination, you should continue, next phase is again some questions. Now I want you to answer to this one. Where and how do you see yourself in 6 months, what you wanted to do in 6 months in business, what you want to have in your relationship, what you want to do? Write it down with as much detailed description as you can. Now ask yourself, what you need to do in order to make your vision happen, what actions you need to take so your life become life of your dreams? Write your answers down again. Repeat this step, but for 1 year and 3 or 5 years. And now your goals should be clear to you.

Now, you should know that something you think that you want today, tomorrow will not be that important, and it’s ok. But when ever your goals are changing, you should write down new goals in order to make them clear to you. I recommend every morning when you get up; you should read your goals. So that your vision be with you 24/7. Probable you want to ask me what goals hate to do with overcoming procrastination. I am happy to answer it. Think, if you have clear vision of what your life should be now, and what you want it to be in future. If you already got some actions that will make your dream life, only fool will not take it. Now I don’t want to insult anybody, I just want to acknowledge that if you have clear vision of what you want, and have clear vision of action you need to take, you are much more progressed that average people. You started to becoming man of action. You become to take control and you are starting to make it happen. I hope this helps you guys as much as it helped me. See you soon.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


OK it’s time to start, like in many ocean of possibilities I have I just want to make difference to the world and get in touch with as many people as I can, so I can share knowledge that helped me in my journey.
I was lazy, man without action, like did you ever had friend, who whenever you ask him to do some productive, He answer with minimum three reasons why you shouldn’t do that, actually I had at least five reasons, for quicker solution and best thing that helped me click here.

First of all procrastination isn’t just a leaf and thing that should be joking with, It’s quite seriously thing and If you let it, It can make your life living hell, and the biggest problem is that you aren’t event aware of it’s presence, procrastination is like ninja, moving in shadows, attacking with shadow and silence, and have massive impact as you start to become aware of its being within you.

Now I ask you, fell free to answer it, how many times did you tell yourself that what you can do now it can be done easily later, or tomorrow, or in 2 weeks and so on... How many times did you started and got unmotivated, or angry at stopping in a half job done? When exactly did you start being so lazy? How many times did you after not getting job done in time, you had that feeling of disappointment that lead to depression or even worst some degree of anger? Dude its time to change your life, its time to shine, its time to take Action in your hand, to make decisions for yourself, to become MAN not a pussy, life is not a work you do, life is Everything you want it to be, only if you want it for real and if you are willing to take some action. Right now, procrastination is like a disease, its eating you life, your manly hood, your enjoyment, for best fix I could find that helped me; take action if you want to become man of ACTION. Right here,

Right now, one of motivated songs that I heard from neighbor son, high tech electro sound, defined me to share all the things that I did to help me and to tell my journey. First of all, its not easy, only if you really want to get this part of your life problem solver, only than you can say procrastination goodbye and Hello to action, I got inspired by artists that want to help all other people with there fair share to this matter, so I want to contribute too. I just hope that this is going to reach as many people and at least help somebody so he don’t need to spent 30 or more days research the web for useful information, and can find all the thins that he is looking for right here.